Farming & Dairy

Our farming enterprise includes 1500 acres of certified organic farmland and 250 head of cattle, producing 5,500 litres of fresh organic milk, every day

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Waste Management

Through our 3 licensed waste management sites, we divert 95,000 tonnes of green waste from landfill, to create more than 50,000 tonnes of BSI certified, PAS100 compost

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Soils & Composting

We supply high quality PAS100 Compost, Turf Dressing Rootzones, BS3882 Tospsoil, and BS8601 Subsoil to home builders, landscapers, councils and sporting venues across Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.


Business Centre

We have 27,000 Sq. Ft. of commercial space including offices, workshops and storage spaces, currently supporting more than a dozen local businesses.

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Established in 1882, The Woodhorn Group is a family run business based near Chichester in West Sussex.

As a family owned business, we have a proud history stretching back almost 150 years. Today, our business is a highly diversified yet interlinked operation with farming, dairy, waste management and commercial property interests. We understand the symbiotic nature of our business and its reliance on the land and environment and therefore maintain a strong focus on sustainability in all we do. We are standards driven in all areas of our operation meaning our trade and retail customers can rely on us for consistency and quality; resulting in long-term working relationships and trusted brands.


“The Woodhorn Group encompasses a range of enterprises committed to achieving excellence throughout. We are a varied and integrated business and a key objective is to strive to achieve quality from a business perspective whilst integrating our own more prosaic but no less important environmental and social aims”



Down on the farm – July 23

24th July 2023

Another year, another drought! Another ‘Down on the Farm’ article, another frustrating delay to our milk vending project...

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The Belgravia Dairy Company

7th July 2023

John Pitts is the 4th generation of the Pitts family to farm at Woodhorn. In this article about our company's history, John ...

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